Haldeman - tradução para francês
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Haldeman - tradução para francês

Haldeman (surname)

Haldeman, family name
Joe Haldeman         
Joe Haldeman (born 1943), famous U.S. science fiction writer



Haldeman is a surname of Swiss German origin, stemming from the village Halden, now part of the municipality of Bischofszell, in the canton of Thurgau, Switzerland. Other forms of the name are Haldemann, Holdeman, Holdiman, Holderman and others. The form Haldemann is still overwhelmingly found in Switzerland.

As early as 1538 and 1670/71 the name appeared in Anabaptist records in Switzerland. In 1727 three Mennonite brothers left the canton of Bern and immigrated to Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. Among Swiss and German Mennonites the name later died out. The forms of the name ending in -man are not seldom among Americans of originally Swiss German and later Pennsylvania German Mennonite origin of the paternal lineage.

Notable people with the surname include:

  • Samuel Stehman Haldeman (1812–1880), U.S. naturalist and philologist
  • Walter Newman Haldeman (1821–1902), U.S. newspaper publisher, businessman, Major League Baseball owner
  • Jacob S. Haldeman (1823–1889), U.S. banker, politician and ambassador
  • Richard Jacobs Haldeman (1831–1886), U.S. politician
  • E. Haldeman-Julius (1889–1951), and Anna Marcet Haldeman (died 1941), U.S. publishers
  • H. R. Haldeman (1926–1993), U.S. politician; White House Chief of Staff (1969–1973) under President Richard Nixon, convicted in Watergate scandal
  • Jack C. Haldeman II (1941–2002), U.S. biologist and science fiction writer
  • Joe Haldeman (born 1943), U.S. science fiction writer
  • Charles E. Haldeman (born 1948), U.S. entrepreneur
Exemplos de pronúncia para Haldeman
1. Haldeman, a number of others called,
The Doomsday Machine _ Daniel Ellsberg _ Talks at Google
2. and the modern stuff, Joe Haldeman, one of my favorites.
Corey _ Talks at Google
3. before you come in. I know my friend, Joe Haldeman, used to get
Mariposa _ Greg Bear _ Talks at Google
Exemplos do corpo de texto para Haldeman
1. Près de 70 % des 150 000 habitants de Fallouja disposent aujourd‘hui de l‘électricité», affirme le lieutenant–colonel Jim Haldeman, qui supervise la reconstruction de la ville. «Mais beaucoup de gens détruisent les transformateurs en tentant d‘obtenir de l‘électricité» de manière non régulière, dénonce–t–il. «Chacun de ces transformateurs coûte 5 000 dollars ÷ cela fait beaucoup d‘argent fourni par le contribuable américain qui part en fumée», regrette l‘officier. (publicité)